Friday, December 10, 2010

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

As some of you are just now realizing, there's a surprise 14th story in Postcards from Hell: The First Thirteen. If you haven't already received it, you will soon. If you don't, let me know.

Three reasons for this:

1. To thank you for subscribing and to make sure you gave me the correct address.
2. To test my procedures and work out all the kinks before I have to start sending out a postcard a week.
3. The story, Dark Wine by Paul Lewthwaite, is so good that I couldn't pass it up, but it was also too long for the standard postcard format. So I thought, why not do this one time, collector's edition double postcard as a special surprise for all the subscribers?

Paul's been dying to tell everyone that he's been accepted to our fiery domain. So here's his introduction.

Paul, a Scotsman living in England, works in Britain's National Health Service. His wife puts up with his writing endeveaours with good humour (she needs it) and they are both grateful to the two monstrous cats who grudgingly share their domain with their human pets. Still a novice writer, he regrets not having paid more attention to English lessons at school. Paul has had two stories published by The Harrow, and the latest is in this month's edition. A micro-short of his was published in an anthology by Leaf Books last year. He is one of the few people in the world not writing a novel. His fledgling website can be found at

Welcome to hell.

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